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Airport Land Use Commission


Monday, August 5, 2024
2:00 PM

COG Sequoia Conference Room
2035 Tulare St., Suite 201, Fresno, CA

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Accommodations
The Fresno COG offices and restrooms are ADA accessible. Representatives or individuals with disabilities should contact Fresno COG at (559) 233-4148, at least 3 days in advance, to request auxillary aids and/or translation services necessary to participate in the public meeting / public hearing. If Fresno COG is unable to accommodate an auxiliary aid or translation request for a public hearing, after receiving proper notice, the hearing will be continued on a specified date when accommodations are available.

This meeting will be held in person at the Fresno COG Offices.




Items listed as information still leave the option for guidance/direction actions by the Commission.

1.Call To Order

Pledge of Allegiance

Roll Call

2.Action/Discussion Items

June 17, 2024 ALUC Action Summary

Action:  Review and approve, or approve with edits, the June 17, 2024 Fresno County Airport Land Use Commission Action Summary.

City of Fresno Plan Amendment/Rezone and Planned Development Permit (Brenda Thomas) [ACTION]

Summary: Text Amendment No. P24-00794 that would amend the Fresno Municipal Code (FMC) to:

  • Allow ministerial approval of the proposed “office-to-dwelling conversion” residential use classification in the O zone district (“Office-to-Dwelling Conversions”) within existing buildings;
  • Allow ministerial approval of multi-unit residential development in the RM-1, RM-2, and RM-3 zone districts on parcels that are within ½ mile of an existing bus stop (“Housing Near Bus Stops”);
  • Allow ministerial approval for “multi-unit residential” uses in NMX, CMX, RMX, CMS, and CR zone districts on parcels within the City’s Infill Priority Area (“Infill Residential Development in Mixed Use Zones”);
  • Allow ministerial approval of new standalone multi-unit residential development in the O zone district (“New Residential Development on Office Parcels”).

No development is currently proposed with this Text Amendment.

ALUC Staff reviewed the four-part code amendment and has advised the City of Fresno as follows:

  • If the ministerial approval is for a project that is not within the Airport Influence Areas (AIA) or Noise Contours of an airport, then there is no issue. If the project sits within airport safety zones or noise contours, then it should be flagged and evaluated to make sure it is consistent with the ALUCP.  
  • Each Safety Zone has its own limitation on Dwelling Units per acre with the exception of Zone 6 & 7 which have no limit. Each zone also has a maximum non-residential intensity.
  • The Fresno County Airport Land Use Compatibility Plan (ALUCP) has a provision for City of Fresno defined Urban designations within the safety zones of Fresno-Chandler Executive Airport and Fresno Yosemite International Airport. On page 3-3 of the ALUCP the urban areas are defined as follows: 

Urban Areas:

  • For Fresno-Chandler Executive Airport and Fresno Yosemite International Airport with the ALUCP, portions of the Traffic Pattern Zone (Zone6) are designated as “Urban.”  The City of Fresno has created specific designations to prioritize development in the urban portions of the city.  These “UrbanCore” areas are used by the City of Fresno to identify areas that should be prioritized for development from the City of Fresno’s perspective. Using the City of Fresno’s “UrbanCore” areas, there is no limit for non-residential intensity in areas designated as Urban on Exhibit C1, Fresno-Chandler Executive Airport and Exhibit D1, Fresno Yosemite International Airport

For mixed-used projects, the ALUCP states the following on page 3-11:

  • For a proposed project with a mix of residential and nonresidential uses, residential density is converted to intensity and the total number of residential occupants is limited to half the maximum nonresidential intensity specified in Table 3A (of the ALUCP). For live/work projects, each dwelling unit is to be counted towards density, and only the square footage devoted to nonresidential use is to be used in the calculation of nonresidential intensity. When converting residential density to intensity, the number of people per household for the jurisdiction, as available from the U.S. Census Bureau, should be used.

Action: ALUC staff recommends that the Fresno County Airport Land Use Commission approve a Finding of Consistency for the City of Fresno's Development Code Text Amendment No. P24-00794.

City of Fresno Text Amendment P23-03472 (Jennifer Rodriguez)[ACTION]

Summary: City of Fresno Text Amendment Application No. P23-03472 proposes to amend the Citywide Development Code and modify Fresno Municipal Code Sections 15-6703 (Definitions) and 15-1302 (Employment Use Regulations) to include Sub-Acute Care Facilities within the City of Fresno boundaries.

The proposed text amendment would amend Section 15-6703 of the FMC to introduce Sub-Acute Care Facility as a new sub-classification to the more general use of Hospitals and Clinics. The proposed use is more intense than a clinic and less intense than a hospital in that it would allow patients to receive overnight care typically following emergency medical treatment or surgery at a hospital ambulatory surgery center that are not able to be cared for in their own home.

The proposed text amendment would also amend Table 15-1302 of the FMC to allow the proposed use of Sub-Acute Care Facility as a permitted use in the O (Office) zone district with an approved Conditional Use Permit and subject to specific limitations:  1. Must be within a medical office complex that includes two or more medical offices/medical office buildings; one must be directly associated with the sub-acute care facility. 2. Building height for sub-acute care facilities shall not exceed 35 feet.

The text amendment does not affect the airports or airport land uses as evaluated, but ALUC approval is required.

Action: ALUC staff recommends that the Fresno County Airport Land Use Commission approve a Finding of Consistency for City of Fresno Text Amendment Application No. P23-03472. 

3.Other Business

Items From Members

Items From Staff

1. Remaining 2024 meeting dates:

    • October 7
    • December 2

2. Member replacement and proxy's

4.Public Presentations

This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons wishing to address the ALUC on items within its jurisdiction but not on this agenda. Note: Prior to action by the ALUC on any item on this agenda, the public may comment on that item. Unscheduled comments may be limited to 3 minutes.
